Pale Ale
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Considered by many to be the beer style that kickstarted the American craft beer industry, the origin of the humble pale ale actually lies further afield in England. Though its rhyming qualities have undoubtedly helped in making it such a recognisable beer style, its name was coined as a way to distinguish the lighter-coloured ales that began to appear around the 18th century. English ales up until that point were mostly a deep amber or dark brown colour, as malting techniques at the time did not allow for much control over the colour of the malted grain being produced. Though both English and American pale ales can range from crisp, refreshing golden-hued beers to malty, warming amber-hued beers, what sets the two apart is their hop profile. English pale ales employ traditional English hop varieties that attribute an earthy, herbal flavour and aroma to beers, whilst American pale ales rely on more modern American varieties to give them that characteristic floral, citrusy and piney flavour and aroma. Given the worldwide success of pale ales, there are many fantastic Australian breweries that we love who make exceptional iterations of this humble beer style, so pick yourself up a six pack from our online store today!